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BinationalMarriages Last Longer

Low risk of divorce with cross-cultural marriages

Binational marriages are more stable and are less likely to divorce than marriages of two Germans. The "Association of Binational Families and Partnerships iaf" compared the divorce rates of marriages between Germans and foreign partners with the average divorce rates and came to this surprising result. This is also clearly backed by figures from registry offices and courts: while 7.6% of all marriages in Germany are between a foreign woman and a German man, the proportion of divorces is one-third less than the average rate. Only 5.6 percent of all divorces involve binational marriages.

Marriages with a foreign partner are made more intentionally

There are probably several reasons why the divorce rate is lower. The key aspect is often strong emphasis on family life in other cultures. Family has a higher priority, which is also one of the reasons why Germans look for a partner abroad. Another reason is that binational marriages undergo more scrutiny before going to the altar and are thus entered into after more deliberation. Official procedures and cultural differences often put binational relationships to the first test before the wedding. In 2008, there were 377,055 marriages and 191,900 divorces in Germany. This means that eleven of every 1000 existing marriages resulted in a divorce that year. Sociologists name various factors of our modern lifestyle as reasons behind the high divorce rates: working women are financially independent and thus no longer avoid separations at any cost. The sexual freedom that began with birth control can also endanger the stability of a relationship. Good education and self-realization are often opposed to a willingness to compromise and the ability to work things out with each other.



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