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How can my dating be successful?

Successful Dating search does not have to be a coincidence. Somewhere out there the ideal partner is waiting for you. Singles find new love on GenerationLove

Successful Dating search does not have to be a coincidence. Somewhere out there the ideal partner is waiting for you. For many years has been one of the most popular online dating services for lasting relationships. Many singles have found new love on GenerationLove.

1. Learn from Dating Advice and Tips

We have compiled these GenerationLove dating tips and hints for online dating to help give you the best chances of success in finding a partner online. We hope you take full advantage of what GenerationLove has to offer and that your dating search is successful.

Most importnat is being honest, fake never leads to success in dating. And meet other people with a positive attitude. We want to support your search with helpful dating advice. We wish that you find the love of your life on GenerationLove!

2. Create an attractive profile on GenerationLove

Your personal profile on GenerationLove is the first impression another person will get about you. That's why you should take the time to create an appealing profile. Be honest and true with your profile information. Wrong information is considered as fake and does not lead to any dating success.

  • Write about yourself in as much detail as possible. Describe yourself realistically.
  • Write a good description of the partner of your dreams. Be honest about the kind of man or woman who really suits you and your personality.
  • Be positive, because people feel more attracted to people with an upbeat attitude.
  • Be honest and only provide information that's true. An unrealistic description of yourself only leads to disappointment in the end. Honesty and trust are key to finding the right partner and are the basis for any good relationship.

3. Upload your current photo

Add a photo to your GenerationLove profile! Profiles with photos receive significantly more replies than profiles without photos.

  • Select photos of good quality that clearly show your features.
  • Always show your entire face in a photograph.
  • Make sure to use current photos and avoid older ones, because the other person wants to get to know who you are today.
  • Make sure that you're not shown too small in the photo (such as in a group photo). If this is the case, crop the image. To crop the image, you can use the appropriate tool in the "Add/manage photos" section on your member page or use an image editing program on your computer.
  • To take a picture, you should use a better camera than a webcam, because photos taken with webcams are usually of poor quality.
  • Ask a friend to take attractive photos of you.
  • If you're not happy with your photo, seek the professional help of a photographer.
  • Show your smile – it works wonders!

4. Take initiative on GeneraionLove!

Don't wait for other people to show interest in you – instead, take initiative on GenerationLove and start your dating search. Always remember that there are many people out there who, just like you, are waiting for someone to make the first move.

  • Begin your search on GenerationLove.
  • Browse through the profiles of other singles.
  • If you like a person's profile, let that person know.
  • Show interest (using the "show interest" button).
  • Give a compliment (using the "give a compliment" button)
  • Write messages where you tell the person about yourself and ask questions.

5. Be realistic in your dating search

An honest self-assessment is particularly worthwhile when dating. If you like another person on GenerationLove, it doesn't automatically mean that this is the right marriage partner. Ask yourself if life circumstances and expectations match. Read the user profile carefully. Ask specific questions in your communications. Be critical and consider if the other person is really the right person and willing to share your day-to-day challenges.

Consider the age

Experiences show that dating search is more likely to be successful if the age difference is not too high. Pay attention to the search age in the other person's profile. If there is a larger age difference, talk about it right at the beginning of your communication. Clarify what this means for the other person. Do not be satisfied with a general statement like "age does not matter to me". It often just means "I find people with life experience interesting". But this is no guarantee for a relationship. Such communication often ends as soon as the other expects more.

6. See the heart and not just photos

Don't just look for the most beautiful photos on GenerationLove. Photos can give a wrong image of a person. When looking for your spouse, it is important to listen to your heart! A closer look can be worthwhile. Don’t miss a chance, the ideal partner may be waiting behind a less appealing photo. So take a second look. You'll be amazed what a second look can reveal.

Be skeptical if someone only shows beautiful portrait photos. Ask the person to send photos from everyday life. Make sure that these are current photos.

7. Your first letter on GenerationLove

  • Your first letter for anothet person on GenerationLove should be brief and give a good impression of yourself.
  • Always be friendly, confident and encouraging! Let the other person know why you decided to write him or her.
  • Don't be too formal. Humor is the best way to break the ice!
  • Find a good balance between questions and answers. Provide information about your general interests, hopes and desires.
  • Use simple language and avoid idiomatic expressions.
  • Ask questions that cannot be answered with a simple yes or no, but instead ask questions that give the other person the opportunity to respond with more than just a few words.

8. Be positive at your dating search

  • Be positive at your dating search. Everyone wants to be surrounded by positive people.
  • Let your words reflect your natural vitality and enthusiasm.
  • Don't be negative – a negative attitude will not impress your dream partner. If you feel depressed and negative or are frustrated or angry, please seek personal and professional advice.

9. Be honest at your dating search

Be honest and true at your daing search. Do not publish fake info about yourself. Allow other people to get to know your true personality. Respect other people's time as much as you expect them to respect yours by providing only true information about yourself.

  • Allow each other to make decisions based on factual information.
  • The fastest way to destroy a friendship is to lie.
  • Remember that dishonesty will come out sooner or later and ends in mistrust.
  • Always rest assured that someone out there is waiting for you, someone who will love you just as you are and even because of who you are! Don't squander this opportunity by pretending to be someone else.

10. Meet in GenerationLove Video Chat

A video chat shows more than just photos. The GenerationLove Video Chat is a wonderful opportunity to get more acquainted with each other and to enjoy a closer and more intimate communication. With the help of a web camera, you will be able not only to see each other but also hear the voice. This helps to avoid falls illusions and disappointments. Therefore, meet in Video Chat before a first personal meeting is arranged.

11. Be patient at your dating search

  • Take your time and be patient at your dating search. Take the time you need to find your perfect partner!
  • Get to know as many people as possible and communicate with many other people looking for a partner.
  • Take advantage of our website. New members join every day.
  • Begin many new friendships, but be prudent before you open your heart to someone.
  • If you don't immediately receive a response, there might be several reasons for this. Stay in touch and show your friendship.
  • Enjoy looking forward to their response and remember that even the anticipation can be wonderful!

12. Trust your feelings

  • Trust your feelings. Prudent and well-thought out decisions usually lead to better results.
  • Don't give your trust to disingenuous people. Take all the time you need to check out the person on the other end.
  • If you suspect that a person is lying, such a person will be quickly exposed.
  • Don't get intimate with another person too quickly, even if this intimacy is only expressed online. If you decide that your relationship should be more than just a pen pal friendship, be wise and protect yourself.

13. Create trust

There must be trust before another person opens up his or her heart. Therefore, give yourself time at your dating search for trust to be established before you think about the next steps. Don't pressure the other person to abandon the protective anonymity of the internet too quickly. Women in particular find it uncomfortable if they are urged to share their contact information too quickly.

14. Surprise with flower greetings

As a man, you can show your adoration by giving flowers. GenerationLove offers a flower delivery service for its users, allowing them to send bouquets and small gifts to others. Flowers are a wonderful gesture understood without words. In countries like Ukraine, Armenia, Russia, and Belarus, it is traditional for men to surprise women with flowers on the first date. By giving flowers, men can show their appreciation and express their love. On GenerationLove, men have the opportunity to surprise women with flowers and small gifts using the option on the woman's profile.

15. Show interest in the other person's life

To make a new acquaintance is easy. But the key to deepen a relation is to show interest in the life of the other person. Ask questions without appearing pushy or even dishonest. Allow the other person to talk about themselves. Be a good listener. This way you will learn more about the other person. Show respect and understanding. Be positiv and speak with respect and esteem. Usually people feel drawn to others who show understanding and support. This is the best way for a relation to grow.

16. The first personal meeting

A personal meeting is worth more than thousands of words. After you have exchanged letters on GenerationLove, there will come a day when you want to meet and you'll ask when the time is right. Only plan a personal meeting when the other person is also ready to meet. Don't pressure the other person. Take your time and plan your first meeting thoughtfully. However, if the other person has signaled that he or she is ready for a meeting, you shouldn't wait too long. Agree on a date. If you hesitate, the other person might think that you're not genuinely interested.

  • Make plans for a meeting in advance.
  • Don't leave all of the planning and preparation to your acquaintance.
  • Men should show appreciation with a small gift and flowers.
  • It is a good idea for men to Invite the woman out to a good restaurant. Inquire about a good restaurant in advance.

17. You have found your soul mate

Many thousands of couples have already met on GenerationLove. Many happy families have had their start online. Several happy couples who found each other on GenerationLove have published their testimonial on GenerationLove. Read about others' experiences with GenerationLove in our Testimonials area. If you've met your love on our dating website, we are very pleased to hear from you! Share your love story too! We look forward to hearing from you!

18. Protect your privacy

Note: Also read our tipsfor a safe and successful dating search online.

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