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GenerationLove against Fake and Scam

How to Spot Dating Scam? How do I recognize a fake profile? How can I report rip-off and fake? What is love scam, what is tinder trading scam?GenerationLove protects from Fake und Scam.

GenerationLove is a reputable dating platform that does not tolerate fakes. GenerationLove protects its users from dating scams and fraud. But how can you recognize dating scams? How do you identify a fake profile? How can you report scams and fakes? What is love scam, romance scam, and what does Tinder Trading Scam mean? How can you protect yourself from scams and fraud on the internet?

How do I recognize dating scams?

  1. Scammers usually want to quickly switch to messenger services like WhatsApp, Viber, Telegram, or WeChat once the initial contact has been established. Scammers want you to leave the protected environment of a dating platform. The reason for this is simple: Scammers fear being exposed and banned from the platforms.

  2. It is often not possible to have a video chat with the new acquaintance. If a user on GenerationLove refuses to have a video chat, you should contact the support. The support team will investigate why a video chat is not possible.

Further down in this article, you will find more information on how to recognize fakes.

How does GenerationLove protect against scams?

The good news is, that thousands of sincere people are longing to love and be loved and to find their match. And because GenerationLove is protecting users from scam, you can enjoy a safe dating search on GenerationLove. Nevertheless, some basic rules should be observed when dating online.

GenerationLove provides a secure space for your online dating experience. Our goal is to ensure that your search for your right match is successful. If we or any of our users have any doubts about certain activities, we thoroughly investigate such cases and circumstances. We protect our users from scam and fraud. Fake profiles are blocked and measures are taken to address them. You will find a "Report Abuse" feature in every profile, and we ask our members to report any abuse or suspicious behavior.

GenerationLove Anti Scam Policy

We make every effort to keep GenerationLove free of scammers. We actively work against scams and do our utmost to protect our clients from abuse.

  • We only allow profiles of real people to be posted.
  • We do not allow requests for money to be communicated through our service.
  • We do not allow commercial services to promote their businesses through our website.

We provide a "Report Abuse" feature visible on every profile and we ask our members to report any abuse or suspicious behavior.

How to Report a Scam on GenerationLove

There are two ways on GenerationLove to report a scam:

1) Open the profile of the person you want to report as a scammer. Click on the "Report Abuse" button. Complete the Online Form and submit your report.

2) Use the GenerarionLove Contact form to send your report.

If you report a scam, please include your name and your e-mail address. Provide us with the profile number of the person you report as well as any information you have that proves the scam or intent to scam. If you have received photos from a scammer, please send these to us too.

GenerationLove investigates every abuse report and delete every membership that violates our rules. Every scammer risks that his case will be prosecuted through the criminal justice system.

How You Can Avoid Being Scammed

  • NEVER send money to anyone you have met online but have not yet met in person
  • Beware of scammers! Common scams include requests for money for payments for large items including medical expenses, visa fees, plane tickets, legal fees, marriage annulment fees, etc.
  • NEVER send cash to someone to purchase a plane ticket or anything else. If you feel you must assist this person then always buy the ticket yourself on the behalf of the person and check the ticket can be refunded in case you need to cancel it.
  • Some people may ask for small amounts of money to pay for internet access or phone costs in order to communicate with you. Our advice is to never send money to anyone who you have never met in person.

Common Types of Scams

There are typical scams that can be identified as fakes. Here GenerationLove explains some common types of scams. Knowledge is the best way to protect yourself from fake and scam.

  • Money scam

The scammer tries to deceive naive people by asking the other party to contribute to their rent, medical costs or the costs that may incur when planning to visit the man or woman. The scammer will list in detail how the man or the lady can transfer the required cash.

  • Tinder-Trading-Scam

The increasing creativity of criminals knows no bounds when it comes to maximizing their profits. An example of this is the so-called "Tinder-Trading-Scam," also known as the "Pig-Butchering-Scam." This scam combines two methods: the "Love Scam" and investment fraud, particularly involving cryptocurrencies. This does not reflect negatively on Tinder but is named after the popular dating app.

  • Travel scam

These scam can happen with someone from abroad. The scammer travels from one country to another, to spend three months with one man or woman then one or two months with another man or woman. The vicitm is led to believe that the scammer is genuine as is its desire for a true relationship but all she or he is really looking for is a new country, a new experience, lots of shopping, lots of fun and someone to foot the bill. The scammer will make the victim believe that he/she needs this time to work out if he or she is "the one". However at the end of her or his trip she will simply disappear or say she is not ready for a commitment.

  • Immigration scam

An Immigration scam is when a lady or a man uses another person abroad to obtain a visa. The marriage is just for the visa. The scammer promises love and jumps at the first opportunity to divorce, leaving the vicitim heartbroken.

  • Nigeria Scam

The so-called Nigeria Scams always follows a similar pattern and happens across the world: you receive an E-mail from someone (from Africa/Nigeria/Abidjan etc.) who purportedly claims to have millions of dollars from a dead relative and needs your help (and bank account) to get the money out of the country. The money you are asked to invest to make the transfer possible seems insignificant compared with the commission promised. Everything sounds too good to be true because it is! This deception is known as the Nigeria Scam and have become commonplace.

  • Romance Scam

You think you communicate with an attractive person. But no matter how good it sound, things aren't what they appear to be. The profile photo is stolen and not the person you communicate with.  Romance Scammer hunting for victims in chat rooms like Skype, social networks like Facebook or dating sites. Often women are victims of Romance Scam. Scammer make victims belief that they are well settled and currently abroad for business. As soon as a love story and emotional relation has developed, your new romance is telling that the credit card as been stolen or is lost. You are asked for help and send money with the promise, that the money will be send back soon. But also men can become victims of Romance Scam. Therefore never send money to anyone you met in internet!

What or Who Can be Behind a Scam?

The instigator of the scam might even not be a real person. The photos used in the profiles are often stolen from the internet without permission. In other cases the photos may be real and the lady or man herself is actually involved. The surname and the physical address are usually fake and the voice behind the phone number is usually an accomplice.

How to Detect a Scam?

There are many different scams but there are often similarities that are easy to detect if you are perceptive and aware of the common patterns they follow. The following helps to detect money scams.

  • What you may experience

Most often you will not initiate the contact with the scammer; you receive a letter from a lovely lady or handsome man who is interested in you. The description of the partner the scammer is looking for is very general and non-specific so that, in reality it could be apply to anyone, for instance there are no particular specifications like age, height, etc.

  • Early Signs

Big age differnece and the other person has a model look. The data seems too perfect, a woman or man isn't concerned when the other person is more than 30 years older. The relationship develops very quickly and she or he will start to declare her love for you within 1-5 letters. You receive sweet and exuberantly loving letters from a very early stage and the sender writes a lot about its trusting, honest and sincere nature.

She or he will lure you into loving conversations and starts asksing for help and money or gifts within a few letters. Whether you send money, or refuse to do it – your new friend will disappear from the scene after taking your money or after you refuse to send it.

  • Further Signs

Very quickly a person will tell you about the financial situation and how little this person earns even though you never mention money.
In other cases a person is unemployed and is looking for a job and needs money to pay the rent. The person promises to pay back the money as soon as gets a job.
A person sends the contact details of the landlord and asks you to call them to verify her situation. Beware: the voice behind the phone number is an accomplice.
In one of the first letters a person is telling you that its family needs help very early in the relationship; how the mom or dad is sick and needs someone to take care of them. Your new penpal friend will not ask for money directly, but will put you in a situation where you feel compelled to help or will not consider you as a reliable partner.
With any request for money, a person will tell about very specific ways how to transfer the money, i.e. Western Union or other source.

As soon as you send money, most scammers disappear; although some stay in contact, hoping to get more.

How You Can Detect Someone is Not Being Honest? 

Ask specific questions. Be wary if someone does not answer your particular questions in detail. Be particularly aware:

  • If if the other person wants to switch to a messenger service like WhatsApp, Telegram, or Viber too quickly.
  • If someone shows no interest in a conversation about her or your personal life, personality, family, background, job, etc.
  • If someone does not remember what you have written in previous letters (she is most often corresponding with multiple people at once).
  • If someone sends the same letter to you twice or if she repeats / forgets what she has written to you already.
  • If someone does not relate to the content of your letters at all.
  • If the expression or tone of the letter changes (it might be written by accomplices).

When you offer a meeting, the person will say that she or he is very happy about your offer but prefers to visit you first. She or he will then go on to tell you in detail about the money required for travelling and specifically how to transfer the cash.

Scammer Black List

Anyone who tries to scam our clients is scamming GenerationLove. We ask our clients to report every scam immediately! We actively work against scams and do our utmost to protect our clients against abuse. Every scammer risks being brought to trial in the criminal courts.

We hope that the above advice will help you to enjoy your time on our site and help you to communicate effectively and safely with other Members of our site. If you have any further questions, please do not hesitate to contact us, we will be happy to help.

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